Saturday 29 March 2014

The eye of Horus and bad photography

Today I finished a piece which has been one of those pieces.... You know the ones... I've loved it and hated it, I've had a real creative struggle process with it, has a mind of its own... Spirited x

Now it's finished, I love it.... It's waiting to find its wearer...

I struggled with the photography too... Trying to capture the amazing complex detail of the rutilated quartz stone, was almost impossible .. And now I look at the photographs... I can't seem to get the eye of Horus Egyptian symbol out of my head.. So I researched it, protection and luck x 

It's funny how things come together... Like most things in my life, I journey along, not really knowing where I'm going, then when I arrive it all sort of slots into place and makes sense.... If that makes sense? Or maybe I sound.. Bonkers.. Maybe I am! Anyway the process of making this piece was just like that... In a 'not sure where I'm going with this' fashion, now it's complete it makes sense x and I love it x 

Rutilated quartz has the energy of creativity, fire and life force, draws away negativity from the wearer, protection x teamed with gorgeously sparkly garnet beads, grounding, healing, protection, enhances love life ;-).  

Hot off the bench...straight from my soul

Annamai xxx

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