Friday 28 March 2014 goes x

Ok... Here goes.. X

Hello! My name is Annamai, I live in Totnes, South Devon, a beautiful part of the world, recently ranked as one of the top 10 towns to visit in the world by some magazine... I'm unsure of which ?
I live in a tiny, ahem.. Cosy cottage with my husband, 2 delightful Lurchers and my 2 crazy children, Noah who is 3 and Ilya, she's 1.

In any spare time I get, (which is rare) I make jewellery from silver, gold, copper, gemstones and beads. Inspired by the natural world around me, capturing that and turning it into pieces if wearable art, I hope :-) this is my passion, my drive, what I dream about and my little space of serenity and creative solace from my manic, beautifully amazing life of being mum, wife, and dog owner :-).

So, I wanted to start this blog, as a space to express, share my roller coaster life of a jewellery designer and for you, my supportive followers to get to know the real me, if you like :-) so that's me... In a nut shell, blog entry type thing...

So... Recently on my workbench I created this, the result of an experiment, well 2 experiments actually, I wanted to make a spinner ring and I also wanted to make something etched.

I used my own design, etched, then made the ring with sterling silver then used 9 ct. gold and bronze for the spinners x I was rather pleased with the outcome :-) posted the image on facebook and received 3 orders instantly :-) not only have I made something I love and loved Making, I got to do it again :-) I feel very blessed, and eternally grateful to be living this life, doing things I love daily <3 wow thank you universe!

And then I made some earrings too....

So that's the most recent happenings in my jewellery life, you can follow me on facebook for daily updates, ramblings and such sorts


  1. Great blog! Thank you for sharing your background with us :) It's nice to hear artists/jewellers tell us more about where they're from and why they started the work they have. And I might add... these rings truely are gorgeous!! When I get some extra money I would love one.. thing is my fingers are the size of twigs...! Much love xx

  2. Thank you! I'm very excited about this blogging stuff, as you can see it's totally new to me ! I'm glad you like the rings, I can make smaller ones too ;-) x.

  3. Nice to 'meet' you and really lovely to learn a little bit more about you! Fab first post! I look forward to following you on your journey :-)

    C x

  4. Thank you Carol, I can see this becoming quite addictive.. You could blog about everything??? And anything? Wow! Possibilitys are endless x
