Saturday 29 March 2014

The eye of Horus and bad photography

Today I finished a piece which has been one of those pieces.... You know the ones... I've loved it and hated it, I've had a real creative struggle process with it, has a mind of its own... Spirited x

Now it's finished, I love it.... It's waiting to find its wearer...

I struggled with the photography too... Trying to capture the amazing complex detail of the rutilated quartz stone, was almost impossible .. And now I look at the photographs... I can't seem to get the eye of Horus Egyptian symbol out of my head.. So I researched it, protection and luck x 

It's funny how things come together... Like most things in my life, I journey along, not really knowing where I'm going, then when I arrive it all sort of slots into place and makes sense.... If that makes sense? Or maybe I sound.. Bonkers.. Maybe I am! Anyway the process of making this piece was just like that... In a 'not sure where I'm going with this' fashion, now it's complete it makes sense x and I love it x 

Rutilated quartz has the energy of creativity, fire and life force, draws away negativity from the wearer, protection x teamed with gorgeously sparkly garnet beads, grounding, healing, protection, enhances love life ;-).  

Hot off the bench...straight from my soul

Annamai xxx

Friday 28 March 2014 goes x

Ok... Here goes.. X

Hello! My name is Annamai, I live in Totnes, South Devon, a beautiful part of the world, recently ranked as one of the top 10 towns to visit in the world by some magazine... I'm unsure of which ?
I live in a tiny, ahem.. Cosy cottage with my husband, 2 delightful Lurchers and my 2 crazy children, Noah who is 3 and Ilya, she's 1.

In any spare time I get, (which is rare) I make jewellery from silver, gold, copper, gemstones and beads. Inspired by the natural world around me, capturing that and turning it into pieces if wearable art, I hope :-) this is my passion, my drive, what I dream about and my little space of serenity and creative solace from my manic, beautifully amazing life of being mum, wife, and dog owner :-).

So, I wanted to start this blog, as a space to express, share my roller coaster life of a jewellery designer and for you, my supportive followers to get to know the real me, if you like :-) so that's me... In a nut shell, blog entry type thing...

So... Recently on my workbench I created this, the result of an experiment, well 2 experiments actually, I wanted to make a spinner ring and I also wanted to make something etched.

I used my own design, etched, then made the ring with sterling silver then used 9 ct. gold and bronze for the spinners x I was rather pleased with the outcome :-) posted the image on facebook and received 3 orders instantly :-) not only have I made something I love and loved Making, I got to do it again :-) I feel very blessed, and eternally grateful to be living this life, doing things I love daily <3 wow thank you universe!

And then I made some earrings too....

So that's the most recent happenings in my jewellery life, you can follow me on facebook for daily updates, ramblings and such sorts